Orfãos da Terra (Orphans of a Nation) is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcasted by TV Globo in 2019. It tells the story of a Syrian refugee family who flees to Brazil due to the war.
I was responsible for the art direction of it's launch campaign, and had the idea of creating a visual story promo to introduce the plot and main characters.
For the first time, I had the honor of directing actors on set since we needed very specific acting for compositing. The ambitious idea was planned, shot and post-produced in 5 days.

Role: Creative and art direction, motion design

Client: TV Globo - Orfãos da Terra
Promo Department Direction & Management: Chico Leão, Mariana Rogel, Renan Porto
Creative Direction: Bruno Rocha
Art Direction / Motion Design: Bruno Rocha & Leonardo Gill
Editing: Bruno Rocha, Leonardo Gill, Victor Araújo
Copywriting: Marcele Pettengill
Music & Sound Design: Guilherme Gelain
Lead Producer: Rodrigo Siqueira
Camera Crew & Production: Estúdios Globo telenovela division
Cast: Alice Wegmann, Ana Cecília Costa, Herson Capri, Julia Dalavia, Marco Ricca, Renato Góes

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